We’re going to load in the shock breakout data from Stripling, McClarren, et al., ``A calibration and data assimilation method using the Bayesian MARS emulator’’. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 52(C), 103–112.
fullData <- read.csv('CRASHBreakout.csv')
simulations <- fullData[,c("thickness","laser.energy","Be.gamma","wall.opacity","flux.limiter","breakout.time")]
measurements <- fullData[1:8,c("measure.1", "measure.2", "measure.3", "thickness", "laser.energy")]
The simulation has two physical parameters, \(x\)’s, Be disc thickness (\(\mu\)m) and laser energy (J), and 3 model parameters, \(\theta\)’s, Be \(\gamma\) is a \(\gamma\)-law equation of state, wall opacity multiplier, and flux-limiter coefficient. There are 104 simulations in our data set. Looking at a pairs plot of the simulations, we can see that the breakout time in picoseconds (our quantity of interest) is strongly influenced by the disc thickness and the Be \(\gamma\).
The first thing we will do is break the simulation data set into a training and test set. We’ll use 80% of the data in the training set. This can be done simply using the createDataPartition function in the caret package:
inTrain <- createDataPartition(y = simulations$breakout.time,times = 1, p = 0.8,list = F)
The next step is to use the bgp function (Bayesian Gaussian Process) from the tgp package.
emulator <- bgp(X = simulations[inTrain,1:5], Z = simulations[inTrain,"breakout.time"], XX = simulations[-inTrain,1:5])
## burn in:
## r=1000 d=[1.06667 1.17384 0.536062 0.99874 1.48963]; n=84
## Sampling @ nn=20 pred locs:
## r=1000 d=[1.17701 0.973611 0.210686 1.05141 1.87371]; mh=1 n=84
## r=2000 d=[1.56964 1.12832 0.050244 0.255278 0.839138]; mh=1 n=84
## r=3000 d=[0.749212 0.982461 0.0592442 0.79599 0.584764]; mh=1 n=84
predDF <- data.frame(actual = simulations[inTrain,"breakout.time"], predicted = emulator$Zp.mean, q1 = emulator$Zp.q1, q2 = emulator$Zp.q2, type = "Training" )
predDF <- rbind(predDF, data.frame(actual = simulations[-inTrain,"breakout.time"], predicted = emulator$ZZ.mean, q1 = emulator$ZZ.q1, q2 = emulator$ZZ.q2, type = "Test" ))
Below is our comparison of the training and test data.
ggplot(predDF,aes(x=predicted, y=actual, shape = type, color = type)) + geom_point() + geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin=predDF$q1, xmax = predDF$q2)) + geom_smooth(method="lm", se=F)
It seems like we can build a decent emulator for our simulations. The root-mean square error for the training data is 4.1257 ps with out of an average breakout time of 398.3132. Before we proceed, let’s check density plots of the errors:
ggplot(predDF,aes(x=actual-predicted, color=type)) + geom_density()
With this real data, there are some anomalies, but nothing invalidating the model.
The sens function in the tgp package will perform a sensitivity analysis based on the built Gaussian process model. This function evaulates the Gaussian process model at a many different points based on Latin-hypercube sampling and then estimates main effects for each parameter (recall that is the mean response at a given value of that parameter when averaging over all other parameters).
First, let’s perform the sensitivity analysis.
sensitivity <- sens(X = simulations[inTrain,1:5], Z = simulations[inTrain,"breakout.time"], model=bgp, nn.lhs = 300)
## burn in:
## r=1000 d=[1.3254 1.40153 0.0752399 0.614514 1.04961]; n=84
## r=2000 d=[1.38609 0.553448 0.0639716 1.07825 0.817388]; n=84
## r=3000 d=[1.11494 1.38491 0.0435532 0.546938 0.653676]; n=84
## Sampling @ nn=2100 pred locs:
## r=1000 d=[1.10592 1.30052 0.137543 0.742193 1.02597]; mh=1 n=84
## r=2000 d=[1.12615 0.621989 0.0334875 1.26782 0.693002]; mh=1 n=84
## r=3000 d=[0.786582 1.1348 0.0937611 1.36745 0.433559]; mh=1 n=84
## r=4000 d=[0.887651 1.37885 0.0522783 1.55296 0.869931]; mh=1 n=84
## r=5000 d=[0.926791 0.789038 0.081929 1.68885 0.574913]; mh=1 n=84
Now let’s plot the main effects
#Extract main effects
mainEffects <- data.frame(sensitivity$sens$ZZ.mean)
colnames(mainEffects) <- colnames(sensitivity$X)
#Extrace 5th percentile
q1 <- data.frame(sensitivity$sens$ZZ.q1)
colnames(q1) <- colnames(sensitivity$X)
#Extract 95th percentile
q2 <- data.frame(sensitivity$sens$ZZ.q2)
colnames(q2) <- colnames(sensitivity$X)
#Add in scaled X's
mainEffects$scaledInput <- seq(0,1,length.out = length(mainEffects[,1]))
q1$scaledInput <- seq(0,1,length.out = length(mainEffects[,1]))
q2$scaledInput <- seq(0,1,length.out = length(mainEffects[,1]))
#Melt the dataframe then merge all together
meltDF <- melt(mainEffects,id.vars = "scaledInput")
meltDFq1 <- melt(q1,id.vars = "scaledInput")
meltDFq1 <- rename(meltDFq1, replace=c("value"="q1"))
meltDFq2 <- melt(q2,id.vars = "scaledInput", value.name = "q2")
meltDFq2 <- rename(meltDFq2, replace=c("value"="q2"))
meltDF <- merge(meltDF,meltDFq2, by=c("scaledInput","variable"))
meltDF <- merge(meltDF,meltDFq1, by=c("scaledInput","variable"))
#Now plot it
ggplot(meltDF,aes(x=scaledInput, y = value, color=variable)) + geom_line(size=1) + geom_line(aes(x=meltDF$scaledInput, y=meltDF$q1, color = meltDF$variable),alpha=0.5) +geom_line(aes(x=meltDF$scaledInput, y=meltDF$q2, color = meltDF$variable),alpha=0.5) + scale_x_continuous("Scaled Input") + scale_y_continuous("Main effect")
As we suspected, the disc thickness and the Beryllium \(\gamma\) are the most impactful parameters. We can also plot the Sobal sensitivity indices,\[S_i =\frac{\mathrm{var}(E[f(x_i)])}{\mathrm{var}(f)},\] where \(E[f(x_i)]\) is the expected value holding the \(i^\mathrm{th}\) input fixed. Using the Gaussian Process model for the function \(f\), these sensitivity indices can be estimated. In particular at each MCMC sample for the model, we can get a sample of the sensitivity index for each variable. For our data we find,
sobol <- data.frame(sensitivity$sens$S)
colnames(sobol) <- colnames(sensitivity$X)
meltDF <- melt(sobol)
## Using as id variables
ggplot(meltDF,aes(x=variable, y = value)) + geom_boxplot(outlier.colour = "blue")
This has the same flavor as before in terms of indicating which variables are important.
Now let’s calibrate the values of \(\theta\). For each we only have a range, and no distributional information. That means we have a uniform distribution. The measurement has a measurement uncertainty with a standard deviation of 10 ps. This makes the likelihood of a given set of \(\theta\)’s be \[\hat{p}(\vec{\theta}) = \prod\limits_{i=1}^{8}\exp\left(-\frac{(T_\mathrm{break,obs}(\vec{x}_i) - T_\mathrm{break,sim}(\vec{x}_i,\vec{\theta}))^2}{200}\right),\] for \(\theta\)’s in their nominal range. We’ll use the mean value from the emulator in our likelihood. We could use the known 95% confidence intervals to do a better job, but in this case we’ll just use the mean value.
We define our likelhood function as
minThetas <- sapply(simulations[,3:5],min)
maxThetas <- sapply(simulations[,3:5],max)
phat <- function(theta){
#compute exponent for each point
XX = data.frame(measurements[,c("thickness","laser.energy")])
XX = cbind(XX,theta,row.names=NULL)
breakouts <- predict(emulator, XX=XX)
exponent <- -(measurements$measure.1 - breakouts$ZZ.mean)^2/(200)
#sum of exponent is equal to logarithm of product
phatS <- exp(sum(exponent))
if ( (min(theta >= minThetas) == 0) || (min(theta <= maxThetas) == 0) ){ phatS = 0}
Our samples are generated by
#do 10000 samples
Nsamps <- 10^4
thetaSamps <- data.frame(i = 1:Nsamps, Be.gamma=0*(1:Nsamps)+1.75, wall.opacity = 0*(1:Nsamps)+1.3, flux.limiter = 0*(1:Nsamps)+0.075)
for (i in 1:(Nsamps-1)){
proposedBe <- rnorm(1,mean=thetaSamps$Be.gamma[i],sd = 0.05)
proposedWall <- rnorm(1,mean=thetaSamps$wall.opacity[i],sd = 0.05)
proposedFlux <- rnorm(1,mean=thetaSamps$flux.limiter[i],sd = 0.05)
u = runif(1)
proposed = data.frame(Be.gamma = proposedBe, wall.opacity = proposedWall, flux.limiter = proposedFlux)
numerator = phat(proposed)*dnorm(thetaSamps$Be.gamma[i],mean=proposedBe, sd = 0.05)*dnorm(thetaSamps$wall.opacity[i],mean=proposedWall, sd = 0.05)*dnorm(thetaSamps$flux.limiter[i],mean=proposedFlux, sd = 0.05)
denominator = phat(thetaSamps[i,c("Be.gamma","wall.opacity","flux.limiter")])*dnorm(proposedBe,mean=thetaSamps$Be.gamma[i], sd = 0.05)*dnorm(proposedWall,mean=thetaSamps$wall.opacity[i], sd = 0.05)*dnorm(proposedFlux,mean=thetaSamps$flux.limiter[i], sd = 0.05)
alpha = min(c(1,numerator/denominator))
thetaSamps[i+1,c("Be.gamma","wall.opacity","flux.limiter")] = proposed*(u<= alpha) + thetaSamps[i,c("Be.gamma","wall.opacity","flux.limiter")]*(u>alpha)
ggplot(thetaSamps,aes(x=i, y = Be.gamma)) + geom_line() + scale_x_continuous("sample") + scale_y_continuous(expression("Be gamma")) + geom_line(aes(x=c(1000,1000), y=c(minThetas["Be.gamma"],maxThetas["Be.gamma"])), color="red", size=1)
ggplot(thetaSamps,aes(x=i, y = wall.opacity)) + geom_line() + scale_x_continuous("sample") + scale_y_continuous(expression("Wall opacity multiplier")) + geom_line(aes(x=c(1000,1000), y=c(minThetas["wall.opacity"],maxThetas["wall.opacity"])), color="red", size=1)
ggplot(thetaSamps,aes(x=i, y = flux.limiter)) + geom_line() + scale_x_continuous("sample") + scale_y_continuous(expression("flux limiter parameter")) + geom_line(aes(x=c(1000,1000), y=c(minThetas["flux.limiter"],maxThetas["flux.limiter"])), color="red", size=1)
Here are histograms for the tuning parameters:
postBurnIn <- thetaSamps[1000:Nsamps,]
ggplot(postBurnIn, aes(x=Be.gamma)) + geom_histogram()
## stat_bin: binwidth defaulted to range/30. Use 'binwidth = x' to adjust this.
## Warning: position_stack requires constant width: output may be incorrect
ggplot(postBurnIn, aes(x=wall.opacity)) + geom_histogram()
## stat_bin: binwidth defaulted to range/30. Use 'binwidth = x' to adjust this.
## Warning: position_stack requires constant width: output may be incorrect
ggplot(postBurnIn, aes(x=flux.limiter)) + geom_histogram()
## stat_bin: binwidth defaulted to range/30. Use 'binwidth = x' to adjust this.
It appears the the wall opacity multiplier does not matter that much. Let’s look at a 2-D plot of the posteriors for Be \(\gamma\) and the flux limiter parameter:
ggplot(postBurnIn, aes(x=Be.gamma, y = flux.limiter)) + stat_density2d(colour = "#00274c") + geom_point(colour="#FFCB05")
For this we will need to take samples from the posterior distribution of the tuning parameters, average over them, and compute the mean discrepancy as a function of \(\vec{x}\). The mean response for each experiment is computed as
emulator.response = function(thetas){
response = data.frame(breakout.time = 0, thickness = 0,laser.energy = 0)
for (i in 1:8){
XX = cbind(measurements[i,c("thickness","laser.energy")], thetas[,c("Be.gamma","wall.opacity","flux.limiter")],row.names=NULL)
preds <- predict(emulator,XX=XX)
response[i,] = data.frame(breakout.time=mean(preds$ZZ.mean),measurements[i,c("thickness","laser.energy")])
emResponse <- emulator.response(postBurnIn)
## breakout.time thickness laser.energy
## 1 425.5 18.44 3780
## 2 428.0 18.32 3640
## 3 447.3 19.59 3830
## 4 424.9 18.76 3950
## 5 492.7 21.56 3650
## 6 470.5 20.41 3660
## 7 483.4 21.43 3830
## 8 468.0 20.98 3950
Now that we have the mean responses at each \(\vec{x}\), we compute the discrepancy at each point
delta = merge(emResponse,measurements,by=c("thickness","laser.energy"))
delta$discrepancy = with(delta, measure.1 - breakout.time )
Finally, we build a GP model for the discrepancy. To start, we will use all the data
discrepancy.model <- bgp(X = delta[,1:2], Z = delta[,"discrepancy"])
## burn in:
## r=1000 d=[1.53994 0.895599]; n=8
## Sampling @ nn=0 pred locs:
## r=1000 d=[0.782531 1.21227]; mh=1 n=8
## r=2000 d=[1.1029 0.717478]; mh=1 n=8
## r=3000 d=[0.785011 0.983861]; mh=1 n=8
Let’s look at our discrepancy model as a 2-D function of the \(\vec{x}\)’s. First, we’ll make a grid
xGrids <- expand.grid.df(data.frame(thickness = seq(min(delta$thickness),max(delta$thickness),length.out = 10)),data.frame(laser.energy = seq(min(delta$laser.energy),max(delta$laser.energy),length.out = 10)))
discrepancy.preds <- predict(discrepancy.model, XX=xGrids)
discrepancy.surface = cbind(xGrids, data.frame(discrepancy = discrepancy.preds$ZZ.mean),row.names=NULL)
ggplot(discrepancy.surface,aes(x=thickness, y= discrepancy, color = laser.energy)) + geom_point()
ggplot(discrepancy.surface,aes(x=laser.energy, y= discrepancy, color = thickness)) + geom_point()
ggplot(discrepancy.surface,aes(x=laser.energy, y=thickness, z= discrepancy)) + stat_contour(aes(color=..level..))
Our predictions using discrepancy are now the sum of the emulator prediction plus the discrepancy function
prediction.response = function(thetas){
response = data.frame(breakout.time = 0, thickness = 0,laser.energy = 0,q1=0,q2=0, discrepancy=0)
for (i in 1:8){
XX = cbind(measurements[i,c("thickness","laser.energy")], thetas[,c("Be.gamma","wall.opacity","flux.limiter")],row.names=NULL)
preds <- predict(emulator,XX=XX)
disp.pred <- predict(discrepancy.model,XX=measurements[i,c("thickness","laser.energy")])
response[i,] = data.frame(breakout.time=mean(preds$ZZ.mean) + disp.pred$ZZ.mean,measurements[i,c("thickness","laser.energy")], q1 = mean(preds$ZZ.q1)-2*sd(preds$ZZ.mean) + disp.pred$ZZ.q1, q2 = mean(preds$ZZ.q1)+2*sd(preds$ZZ.mean) + disp.pred$ZZ.q1)
predictions <- cbind(prediction.response(postBurnIn),data.frame(actual=measurements$measure.1),row.names=NULL)
ggplot(predictions, aes(x=breakout.time, y = actual)) + geom_point(color="#00274c",size=3) + geom_errorbarh(color="#00274c",aes(xmin = q1, xmax = q2)) + geom_line(aes(x=c(min(min(predictions[,c("breakout.time","actual")])),max(max(predictions[,c("breakout.time","actual")]))), y=c(min(min(predictions[,c("breakout.time","actual")])),max(max(predictions[,c("breakout.time","actual")])))), color="#00274c") + geom_errorbar(color="#00274c",aes(ymax = actual + 20, ymin = actual - 20))
So we can predict the experiments given the data. How about using the data from 7 to predict an 8th. We will now perform this leave-one-out analysis.
predictions.loo = data.frame(breakout.time = 0, thickness = 0,laser.energy = 0,q1=0,q2=0)
for (i in 1:8){
#leave out ith measurement
train.measure <- measurements[-i,]
train.simulation <- emResponse[-i,]
delta = merge(train.simulation,train.measure,by=c("thickness","laser.energy"))
delta$discrepancy = with(delta, measure.1 - breakout.time )
#build discrepancy function
discrepancy.model <- bgp(X = delta[,1:2], Z = delta[,"discrepancy"])
#now predict
XX = cbind(measurements[i,c("thickness","laser.energy")], postBurnIn[,c("Be.gamma","wall.opacity","flux.limiter")],row.names=NULL)
preds <- predict(emulator,XX=XX)
disp.pred <- predict(discrepancy.model,XX=measurements[i,c("thickness","laser.energy")])
predictions.loo[i,] = data.frame(breakout.time=mean(preds$ZZ.mean) + disp.pred$ZZ.mean,measurements[i,c("thickness","laser.energy")], q1 = mean(preds$ZZ.q1)-2*sd(preds$ZZ.mean) + disp.pred$ZZ.q1, q2 = mean(preds$ZZ.q1)+2*sd(preds$ZZ.mean) + disp.pred$ZZ.q1)
## burn in:
## r=1000 d=[1.21024 0.0799383]; n=7
## Sampling @ nn=0 pred locs:
## r=1000 d=[0.58909 0.017471]; mh=1 n=7
## r=2000 d=[0.758435 0.0354978]; mh=1 n=7
## r=3000 d=[1.21849 0.0521906]; mh=1 n=7
## burn in:
## r=1000 d=[0.750689 1.07854]; n=7
## Sampling @ nn=0 pred locs:
## r=1000 d=[1.08816 0.0330091]; mh=1 n=7
## r=2000 d=[1.03155 0.0523101]; mh=1 n=7
## r=3000 d=[1.12401 0.0144226]; mh=1 n=7
## burn in:
## r=1000 d=[0.560101 0.978784]; n=7
## Sampling @ nn=0 pred locs:
## r=1000 d=[1.21421 0.0353952]; mh=1 n=7
## r=2000 d=[1.07528 0.0102809]; mh=1 n=7
## r=3000 d=[1.31809 0.0256388]; mh=1 n=7
## burn in:
## r=1000 d=[1.55218 1.26637]; n=7
## Sampling @ nn=0 pred locs:
## r=1000 d=[0.57932 0.829527]; mh=1 n=7
## r=2000 d=[0.696575 1.72134]; mh=1 n=7
## r=3000 d=[1.2539 0.750986]; mh=1 n=7
## burn in:
## r=1000 d=[1.63045 0.790019]; n=7
## Sampling @ nn=0 pred locs:
## r=1000 d=[1.00965 0.0594733]; mh=1 n=7
## r=2000 d=[0.947343 0.0154586]; mh=1 n=7
## r=3000 d=[1.09927 0.0332947]; mh=1 n=7
## burn in:
## r=1000 d=[1.00259 0.826401]; n=7
## Sampling @ nn=0 pred locs:
## r=1000 d=[1.26338 0.792216]; mh=1 n=7
## r=2000 d=[0.472157 0.797833]; mh=1 n=7
## r=3000 d=[0.0305209 0.50037]; mh=1 n=7
## burn in:
## r=1000 d=[0.011544 0.807445]; n=7
## Sampling @ nn=0 pred locs:
## r=1000 d=[0.0121996 1.33412]; mh=1 n=7
## r=2000 d=[0.0236482 1.10057]; mh=1 n=7
## r=3000 d=[0.0529323 0.65255]; mh=1 n=7
## burn in:
## r=1000 d=[1.52819 0.0419122]; n=7
## Sampling @ nn=0 pred locs:
## r=1000 d=[0.647752 0.0319954]; mh=1 n=7
## r=2000 d=[0.923482 0.00517531]; mh=1 n=7
## r=3000 d=[0.679956 0.0259269]; mh=1 n=7
predictions.loo <- cbind(predictions.loo,data.frame(actual=measurements$measure.1),row.names=NULL)
ggplot(predictions.loo, aes(x=breakout.time, y = actual)) + geom_point(color="#00274c",size=3) + geom_errorbarh(color="#00274c",aes(xmin = q1, xmax = q2)) + geom_line(aes(x=c(min(min(predictions[,c("breakout.time","actual")])),max(max(predictions[,c("breakout.time","actual")]))), y=c(min(min(predictions[,c("breakout.time","actual")])),max(max(predictions[,c("breakout.time","actual")])))), color="#00274c") + geom_errorbar(color="#00274c",aes(ymax = actual + 20, ymin = actual - 20))